How it all started...
On August 12, 1926, a presbytery met at Central Church to organize a missionary Baptist church. This church was officially named New Home. Rev. Samuel Sparks preached the organizational sermon, Rev, M. L. Dean outlined the Church Covenant, and Rev. E. C. Stone read the Articles of Faith. Mr. Frank Rowel, Mr. Roscoe Jones, Mr. and Mrs. Lonnie Harris, and Mrs. Vera Rowell Wright were the first members of New Home. Rev. H. L. Young was elected pastor and Roscoe Jones was the first Church Clerk.
The New Home Church continued to meet at Central Church one weekend a month on Saturday afternoon and Sunday morning. On December 23, 1927, the church voted to “build a church on Brother Jones’ land.†The size of this first building was 30 feet by 48 feet. On April 17, 1931, a committee was appointed “for the purpose of locating a site to build a church for New Home.†August 20, 1931, L. F. Rowell, chairman of the locating committee, presented a report of two possible building sites. The church voted to build on a parcel of land owned by J. C. and Lucy Thornhill. This land was deeded to New Home Baptist Church on August 25, 1931. A building committee was appointed on November 14, 1931. Rev. M. A. Johnson preached the dedication sermon for the new church on March 20, 1932.
As the membership has increased and God has blessed the church, continuous improvements have been made to the church building and property. In 1951, 1959, and again in 1970, remodeling and expansions were completed and additional Sunday School classrooms were added. An additional tract of land was acquired in October 1969. On July 14, 1974, the church voted to begin construction of a pastorium. The pastorium was dedicated in 1975 and one year later, on September 5, 1976, the church voted to support a full-time pastor. In 1976 the church sanctuary was extended 20 feet, the church was bricked, and a fellowship hall was added. Again in 1980 the church voted to construct six new Sunday School rooms and a new fellowship hall. A baptistery was approved in March 1981.
God continued to bless New Home with tremendous growth. On September 25, 1994, the church voted to begin a building program. November 27, 1994, a fund-raising committee was selected and on January 29, 1995, a building committee was formed. In January 1995, the church purchased 4 ½ acres of land to use for parking. A year later, plans for the new sanctuary were in place and construction began in February of 1996. On December 1, 1996, ten months after construction began and 70 years after the church was organized, New Home Baptist Church held a Dedication Service for its new Sanctuary.
During the next three years, a new playground was built as part of the Children’s Ministry, the old sanctuary was converted to a new fellowship hall, and the parking lot was paved. In December 1999, the church voted to pay off the balance of the building fund loan for the sanctuary. Final payment was made in January 2000. A Day of Celebration for note burning was held on April 2, 2000, when Mrs. Ila “Granny†Peek and her grandson, Perry Peek, “burned the note.†Later that year, the older classrooms were expanded and remodeled, new furniture was purchased for the children’s classrooms, and a larger and more efficient nursery was provided. The parking area was also expanded.
In 2000 the church voted to upgrade the van ministry; and as a result, two new church vans were purchased. On May 27, 2001, the church presented a new 2001 Chevy Astro Van to Brother David Smith and his family. In May 2002, the church voted to construct a park and pavilion adjacent to the parking area. This recreational area would be named in memory of Sgt. Jeremy Foshee who died in February 2002 when the helicopter he was on crashed into the waters of the Philippines. The dedication ceremony for the Jeremy Fioshee Memorial Park and Pavilion was held on November 10, 2002. Since that time the park and pavilion has been a tremendous asset to our church. In February 2003, New Home faced another building project - structural damage in the roof of the sanctuary required new rafters and roof. The church took this opportunity and made needed improvements to the choir and stage areas. Throughout these building projects, God’s people remained faithful and God richly blessed the church both spiritually and financially. The park and pavilion expenses were completely paid off prior to the roof situation and the $120,000 note for the repairs and remodeling to the sanctuary was paid in full in one year. The church celebrated on April 18, 2004, with a Note Burning and Praise Service. Early in 2005, the church began prayerfully seeking God’s Will concerning A Family Life Center. Plans were made and building began. In 2006 a new Family Life Center was completed.
Important ministries of the church through the years have been its youth choirs, music program, and Vacation Bible Schools. Sunday School and Discipleship Training provide opportunities for spiritual growth and encouragement in smaller group settings. New Home has been and continues to be blessed with knowledgeable, spiritual teachers and leaders. The church library provides reference and teaching materials along with Christian books and videos for all ages. Under the umbrella of the Men’s Ministry and Women’s Ministry, New Home men and women can participate in missions and community outreach. A variety of activities for children and young people are available through Children, Junior Youth, and Youth programs. Our AWANA program on Wednesday Nights during the school year has been very successful in reaching many boys and girls for Christ. Other ministry areas include the benevolence outreach and missions offerings through the Stewardship program, P.U.S.H. (Pray Until something Happens) Prayer and OutReach, Sunday Morning Men’s Prayer time, revivals, conferences, and church newsletter. Our yearly Veterans’ Day Celebration has become a highlighted event in this area as New Home honors those in our military, active and veterans.
WHAT A MIGHTY GOD WE SERVE!!! Without HIM—we could do nothing!

90th anniversary
The following pages provide high-lights of the beautiful book
created by Mrs. Judy Shavers. We hope that you enjoy viewing
just a few on the many memories and celebrations that are shared
in the History of New Home through our 90th Anniversary Book.
created by Mrs. Judy Shavers. We hope that you enjoy viewing
just a few on the many memories and celebrations that are shared
in the History of New Home through our 90th Anniversary Book.
August 2016

New Home Cemetery

New Home in the 30's & 40's

New Home in the 50's & 60's

New Home In The 70'S & 80'S

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